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Dr. Julia Gurol-Haller

Function Researcher & Lecturer
Office hours

currently no office hours due to maternity leave


Department of Political Sciences,
Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg




 0761/ 203-3474

E-Mail julia.gurol-haller@politik.uni-freiburg.de

             julia gurol-haller

Academic CV

since 2023 Policy expert, China Horizons Consortium "Dealing with a resurgent China"
since 2023 Associate Fellow, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute Freiburg
since 2022

Member of the Young Academy

since 06/2024: speaker of the Young Academy
since 06/2023: member of the board of the Young Academy


PI of the research project "Global autocratic collaboration in t imes of COVID-19" (with Thomas Demmelhuber & Tobias Zumbrägel; funded by the Volkswagen-Foundation)

since 2020

Researcher at the Chair for International Relations, University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi)

03/2022: Visiting fellow, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

since 2018

Associate fellow at the Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO)

2020 PhD on EU-China security relations in the context of global tensions, supervised by: Prof. Dr. Diana Panke, Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Rüland),  International Relations, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg 
2017- 2020
Researcher at the Chair for Multilevel Governance, University of Freiburg

03/2019: Guest researcher, Center for EU and German Studies, Tongji University. Shanghai (China)

Research interests

  • global China
  • global authoritarianism
  • critical geopolitics
  • narratives
  • Global South


eu-china security paradox  


  *Gurol, Julia (2022): The EU-China Security Paradox: Cooperation Against All Odds?  Bristol, UK:       Bristol University Press. 


Special Issues:

Journal articles (selected):
Book chapters:
Other publications (selection of working papers, policy papers):



Winter term 2023/24

  • Introductory course "Introduction to Political Science"

Summer term 2023:

  • Introductory course "Introduction to International Relations"

Winter term 2022/23:

  • Advanced course "Studying the so-called Global South in International Relations"
  • Introductory course "Introduction to Political Science"

Summer term 2022:

  • Advanced course "The Russian-Ukrainian conflict: root causes, dynamics and approaches to conflict management" (cross-site seminar)

Summer term 2021:

  • Advanced course "Conflict analysis, management and transformation - deconstructing Yemen's civil war" (cross-site seminar)
  • Introductory course "Introduction to International Relations"

Winter term 2020/21:

  • Advanced course "Authoritarianism in China’s foreign policy: game-changer or business as usual?"
  • Introductory course "Introduction to Political Science"

Summer term 2020:

  • Basic course "Introduction to conflict analysis: Yemen – a country in conflict" (cross-site seminar)
  • Virtual seminar "Academic Approaches to Post-Conflict Reconstruction" (University of Sana’a, Yemen)

Winter term 2019/20:

  • Basic course "EU-China relations in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative"
  • Winterschool "One-size-fits-all vs. tailor-made solutions: Academic approaches to post-conflict reconstruction" 

Summer Term 2019:

  • Basic course "Conflict analysis - management, dynamics and transformation of current conflicts of secession" (cross site seminar) 

Winter Term 2018/19: 

  • Introductory course "Introduction to Political Science"

Summer Term 2018:

  • Introductory course "Introduction to International Relations"

Winter Term 2017/18:

  • Basic course "International and Regional Organizations in current conflicts"


Teaching awards 


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