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Path to the Department

How to find the Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science is located in the 3rd and 4th floor of University Building IV, Rempartstr. 15 (KG IV), in the Werthmannstraße 12 (ground floor, Chair for Comparative Politics) as well as in Belfortstraße 20 (1st floor, backyard, Chair for Multi-Level Governance).

The seminar has no central secretariat, therefore post should be sent directly to the respective Chair secretariats in order to avoid unnecessary delays. If you looking for a contact to a certain subject area, can be found here a list of all contact addresses. A list of all of our employees, see here. For all other inquiries can arrange the Secretariat of respective executive Chair.

The addresses of the chairs:

Prof. Dr. Gisela Riescher
Chair for Political Philosophy, Theory and History of Ideas

Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal
Chair for Comparative Politics


Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi
Chair for International Politics


Prof. Dr. Diana Panke
Chair for Multi-Level Governance


Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler
Chair for Development Theory and Policy
Director of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI)




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