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Contact persons

For specific questions please contact at our Department the following persons. If you have any questions about specific courses, please contact the lecturer of the respective course. You find all courses here Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen (in german).

Management Board of the Department

The Management Board is responsible for institute-wide affairs and overarching issues, with questions about individual student matters please contact to the responsible coordinators.
Acting Executive Direktor



Acting Executive Manager


Coordination of degree programs (Political Science)


Marius Fröhle, M.A.

Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg
KG IV, Room 4312
Phone: 0049 761 203-67663
E-Mail: bachelor-pw@politik.uni-freiburg.de
Consultation hour: Tuesday 13.00 - 14.30

Master of Arts and teacher training degree programs

Dr. Angela Geck

Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg
KG IV, Room 4312
Phone: 0049 761 203 3467
Consultation hour: see personal page

Binational degree in Applied Political Science

Dr. Marcus Obrecht

Rempartstraße 15, Room 4314
79085 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/203-3472

Felix Kistner

Consultation hour: Tuesdays, Room 4315

Coordination Erasmus+

Marius Fröhle, M.A.

Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik
Belfortstr. 20, rear building, 3rd floor
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0049 761 203-67570
E-Mail: marius.froehle@politik.uni-freiburg.de
Consultation hour: Thursday, 15 - 17h, please inscribe here: https://calendly.com/marius-froehle/sprechstunde


Student Council Political Science

Student Council meetings are every Monday, 20-22h
in Room 4044 at KG IV
Rempartstr. 15, 79098 Freiburg.
Contact: Homepage 

Course guidance at Department of Political Science

Student Advisory Bachelor

Marius Fröhle, M.A.

Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg
KG IV, Room 4312
Phone: 0049 761 203-67663
E-Mail: bachelor-pw@politik.uni-freiburg.de
Consultation hour: Tuesday 13.00 - 14.30


Student Advisory Master and teacher training

Dr. Angela Geck

Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg
KG IV, Room 4312
Phone: 0049761 / 203-3467
Consultation hours: see personal page


Advisory for Erasmus / Socrates program (semester abroad)

Marius Fröhle, M.A.

Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik
Belfortstr. 20. rear building, 3rd floor
79085 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/203-67570
E-Mail: marius.froehle@politik.uni-freiburg.de

Consultation hours: Thursdays, 15-17h, please inscribe here: https://calendly.com/marius-froehle/sprechstunde

General guidance of the Faculty

Study advisory, advice on Mid examination issues

Annette Ehinger

Gemeinsame Kommission der Philologischen, Philosophischen und Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Werthmannstraße 8, Backyard, Room 02 010
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/203-2011

Consultation hour:
Tuesday, 10.15h - 12.30h
Thursday, 14.00h - 16.00h

Advisory offered by the University

For all other questions, ask the central student counseling at the University:

Student Advice Centre

Sedanstraße 6, Room 02.026
79085 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/203-4246
Fax 0049761/203-8835
E-Mail: info@zsb.uni-freiburg.de
Web: www.zsb.uni-freiburg.de

Consultation hour:
Monday, 9.00h - 11.30h
Tuesday, 9.00h - 11.30h and 14.00h - 16.00h
Wednesday, 9.00h - 11.30h
Thursday, 9.00h - 11.30h and 14.00h - 16.00h


Student Services Freiburg/'Studierendenwerk'

Questions regarding BAföG ((German) Federal Law on Support in Education) at the BAföG-Office

Schreiberstraße 12-16
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/2101-326 (Short Consulting at the "Infoladen")
E-Mail: bafoeg@swfr.de (Short Consulting at the "Infoladen")
Web: http://www.swfr.de

Consultation hour:

Detailed consulting

Tuesday, 9.00h - 12.00h
Thursday, 13.30h - 16.00h (March and August only Tuesday)

Short Consulting at the "Infoladen"

Monday-Friday, 8.30h - 17.00h

The 'Studierendenwerk' you also advises on many other issues, including questions of international students, childcare, student jobs, psychotherapeutic counseling, or legal advice.


Jacqueline Dresel
Gemeinsame Kommission der Philologischen, Philosophischen und Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Werthmannstr. 8, Room 02 005
79085 Freiburg
Phone: 0049761/203-9266

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