Elina (Schleutker) Sannehag
Funktion | wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin |
Sprechstunde | SoSe 2021: Online nach Vereinbarung per Mail |
Adresse | Werthmannstr. 12, 79085 Freiburg |
Raum | 00 12 |
Telefon | SoSe 2021: Erreichbar nur per Mail |
elina.sannehag@politik.uni-freiburg.de |
Akademischer Lebenslauf
seit 10/2019 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Vergleichende Regierungslehre (Prof. Wagschal) |
seit 04/2015 | Lecturer at University College Freiburg |
10/2009-03/2013, 10/2013-09/2015 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Vergleichende Regierungslehre (Prof. Wagschal) |
10/2007-04/2012 | Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. mit der Arbeit: "Women's Career Strategy Choices and Fertility in Different Welfare Regime Contexts". |
01/2002-06/2007 | Master of Political Sciences, Uppsala University (Schweden) |
- Comparative Politics
- Religion and politics
- Religion in authoritarian regimes
Publikationsauswahl und Forschungsprojekte
Publikationen in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
- Co-optation and Repression of Reliigon in Authoritarian Regimes. In: Politics and Religion 14: 209-240. doi.org/10.1017/S1755048320000383
- Reflective writing for enhancing knowledge integration in modularised study programmes. In: European Political Science 19: 49-64 (mit Liudmila Mikalayeva und Stoyan Panov). doi.org/10.1057/s41304-018-0183-6
- Discrimination Against Religious Minorities. In: Journal of Church and State 61(2): 282-307. doi.org/10.1093/jcs/csy031
- Women's work-life preferences: reconceptualization and cross-country description over time. In: European Societies 19(3): 292-312. dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2017.1290266
- A note on the Determinants of the Regulation of Religion. In: Politics and Religion 9: 744-770. doi.org/10.1017/S1755048316000109
- Determinants of Childbearing: A Review of the Literature: In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 43(3): 192-211. doi.org/10.1515/zfsoz-2014-0303
- Fertility, Family Policy and Welfare Regimes. In: Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaften 39(1): 123-156. doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2013-18
- Women's Career Strategy Choices and Fertility in Finland. In: Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 2013: 103-126.
- Väestön ikääntyminen ja hyvinvointivaltio: mitä vaihtoehtoja meillä on? Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 78 (2013:4): 425-436. urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe201312097585
SoSe 2021
- Public Policy - an Overview
- Comparative Government (UCF)
- Quantitative Methods using R (UCF)
WS 2020/21
- Religion in Authoritarian Regimes
- Introduction to Western Political Theory (UCF)
- Quantitative Methods using R (UCF)
SoSe 2020
- Grundlagen der Politischen Theorie
- Comparative Politics (UCF)
- Limits of Democracy (UCF)
WS 2019/20
- Comparative Authoritarianism
- Religion and Poltics
- Comparative Public Policy (UCF)
- Introduction to Political Theory (UCF)
- Methods Overview Seminar (UCF, gemeinsam mit Mila Mikalay und Felix Ettensperger)
SoSe 2019
- Comparative Politics (UCF)
- What Women (and Men) Want: Survey Research (UCF)
WS 2018/19
- Political Theory (UCF)
- Public Policy (UCF)
SoSe 2018
- Comparative Politics (UCF)
- Religion and Politics (UCF)
WS 2017/18
- Topics and Debates in Western Political Theory (UCF)
- Citizens and the State in Western Political Theory (UCF)
SoSe 2017
- Comparative Politics (UCF)
- Methods of Political Science: Quantitative Research on Authoritarian Regimes (UCF)
WS 2016/17
- Topics and Debates in Western Political Theory (UCF)
- Citizens and the State in Western Political Theory (UCF)
SoSe 2016
- Religion and Politics (UCF)
- Research Design of Studies using Quantitative Methods
WS 2015/16
- Introduction to Political Theory (UCF)
- Comparative Government (UCF)
SoSe 2015
- Gender im Wohlfahrtsstaat
- Religion and Politics
- Einführung in SPSS
WS 2014/15
- Comparative Welfare State Analysis (UCF)
- Family Policy and Fertility in Contemporary Welfare States
SoSe 2014
- Politics and Religion
- Comparative Welfare State Research
WS 2013/14
- Population Ageing, Politics and the Welfare State
- Grundlagen der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft (2 Veranstaltungen)
SoSe 2013
- Gender and the Welfare State
WS 2012/13
- Politics and Religion
- Introduction to the Welfare State: What, Where, When and Why
- Übung zur VL Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft
SoSe 2012
- Demography and the Welfare State