Dr. Benjamin Schütze
Funktion | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Emmy Noether Nachwuchsgruppenleiter |
Sprechstunde | Sprechstunde nur nach vorheriger Absprache über Lehrstuhl.Mehler@politik.uni-freiburg.de Die Sprechstunde findet im ABI, Windausstr. 16 statt. |
Adresse | Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut e.V. für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung Windausstr. 16 79110 Freiburg |
Raum | |
Telefon | +49 (0)761 888 78 23 |
benjamin.schuetze@abi.uni-freiburg.de | |
https://twitter.com/benschuetze86 |
Akademischer Lebenslauf
ab 2022 | Head of DFG-funded Emmy Noether Junior Research Group 'Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the MENA' |
2021 - 2022 | Junior Fellow, Young Academy for Sustainability Research, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of Freiburg |
ab 2019 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Arnold Bergstraesser Institut (ABI) |
2016 – 2021 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (postdoc), Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungstheorien und Entwicklungspolitik, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, Universität Freiburg |
2011 – 2016 | PhD (without corrections), 'US and European democracy promotion in Jordan: The reinforcement of authoritarianism', supervised by Prof. Tripp, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK (Feldforschungsaufenthalte in Jordanien, Brüssel und Washington DC) |
2009 – 2010 | MA Near & Middle Eastern Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK |
2006 – 2009 | BA Arabistik und Politikwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig |
click here for a complete CV in English
Weitere berufliche Tätigkeiten
2013 – 2014 | SOAS, University of London, Department of Politics and International Studies, graduate teaching assistant |
2010 – 2011 | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit, Beirut / Libanon, Carlo-Schmid-fellow |
2010 – 2011 | Universität Leipzig, Orientalisches Institut, studentische Hilfskraft bei Prof. Gertel |
- Politics of intervention in the Middle East
- US and European attempts at 'democracy promotion'
- Jordanian politics
- Transregional authoritarian entanglements
- Economic liberalisation
- US-Jordanian military collaboration
- Political Economy of renewable energy projects
- Unlikely Companions of Energy Transitions? Opportunities and Challenges of Triangular Cooperation between the EU and the GCC in the MENA, policy report, EuroMeSCo, EU (co-authored with Eckart Woertz) (2022)
- 'The Socio-Economic Effects of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa', Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Regional Climate and Energy Project MENA (2020).
- Politökonomische Kurzanalyse (PÖK) Jordanien (Neufassung 2018, Aktualisierung 2019), Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).
Veröffentlichungen, Drittmittel, Lehre & Konferenzbeiträge
(2019) Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan (Cambridge University Press).
- Interview with author in Jadaliyya's New Texts Out Now (NEWTON) section (April 10, 2020).
- Reviews des Buches wurden veröffentlicht in The Middle East Journal (von Curtis Ryan) und in Democratization (von Tugce Yildiz).
Artikel (Auswahl)
(2024) "'Seizing the Moment': Arab-Israeli normalization, infrastructure as a means to bypass politics and the promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian transit trade route", Geopolitics, online-first.
(2023) "Follow the Grid, Follow the Violence: The Project for a Transregional Mediterranean Electricity Ring", Middle East Critique, online-first.
(2023) "The Geopolitical Economy of an Undermined Energy Transition: The Case of Jordan" (co-authored with Hussam Hussein), Energy Policy, 180: 113655, open access.
(2023) "Authoritarian power and contestation beyond the state" (co-authored with Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss, Fabricio Rodriguez & Cita Wetterich), Globalizations, online-first.
(2023) "Prefiguring politics: transregional energy infrastructures as a lens for the study of authoritarian practices" (co-authored with Alke Jenss), Globalizations, online-first.
(2022) "Infrastructuring Authoritarian Power: Arab Gulf-Chinese Transregional Collaboration beyond the State" (co-authored with Julia Gurol), International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 231-249, open access.
(2021) 'Rethinking Authoritarian Power: The Logistics Space and Authoritarian Practices in and between Secondary Port Cities of the Global South,' International Studies Quarterly (co-authored with Alke Jenss), online-first, open access.
(2020) 'Essential Readings on "Democracy Promotion"', Jadaliyya's Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative (MESPI), July 21.
(2019) 'Militärisches Disneyland: In Jordanien sind Kriegsvorbereitungen ein lukratives Geschäft', iz3w, Januar/Februar 2019, No. 370, pp. 14-5.
(2018) 'Confronting Authoritarianism vs. Disciplining Democracy: The Recent Protests in Jordan and US Attempts at Democracy Promotion', Jadaliyya, July 30.
(2018) 'Marketing parliament: The constitutive effects of external attempts at parliamentary strengthening in Jordan', Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 237-58.
Nicht akademische Veröffentlichungen
(2017) ‘Jordan’s KASOTC: Privatising anti-terror training’, Al Jazeera, July 17.
(2017) ‘US-Jordanian military collaboration and the politics of commercial security’, Security Dialogue blog, July 12.
(2016) ‘Stabilität nützt nicht unbedingt der Demokratie’, Badische Zeitung, August 6, 2016.
Drittmittel und Projekte
Potenzialfeld 'Comparative Area Studies and Transregional Studies'. (approximately 4,500 €)
EUCOR seed money: Making Infrastructure Global? Design and Governance of Infrastructural Expansion in the Global South (with Alke Jenss and Kenny Cupers) (35,000 €)
FRIAS early career researcher conference: Authoritarianism & Democracy: Transnational and Multiscalar Perspectives on Power and Spaces of Contestation (with Cita Wetterich, Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss and Fabricio Rodriguez) (10,000 €)
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Freiburg: travel grants (2018 and 2019)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): travel grant (2018) and doctoral scholarship (2014-2015)
American Political Science Association (APSA): collaborative grant for the organisation of an international workshop in Cairo (2017)
International Studies Association (ISA): travel grant (2016)
Middle East Studies Association (MESA): travel grant (2014)
Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES): doctoral scholarship (2011-2014)
German Academic Scholarship Foundation: Carlo-Schmid fellowship for an internship with the Beirut office of the Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Lebanon (2010-2011)
- Supervision of BA and MA theses on topics related to International Relations, Middle Eastern politics, politics of intervention and postcolonial perspectives in IR
- Erasmus+ / Dozierendenmobilität: Kurse in den MA-Programmen Euro-Méditerranée und Géostratégie, Défense et Sécurité International (SciencesPo, Aix-en-Provence) (November 2018)
- Mitglied der Prüfungskommission im binationalen MA-Studiengang Angewandte Politikwissenschaften, (SciencesPo, Aix-en-Provence) (August 2018)
- US and European Interventions in the Name of Democracy (Hauptseminar) (SS 2018, WS 2018-19, WS 2019-20)
- Militarism and (In-)Security in the Middle East (Proseminar) (SS 2018)
- Einführung in die Politik des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens / Politics of the Middle East (Proseminar) (SS 2016, WS 2016-17, SS 2017, SS 2019, SS 2020)
- Grundlagen der Internationalen Politik (Proseminar) (SS 2019, SS 2020)
- Übung zur Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (WS 2016-17, WS 2017-18, WS 2018-19, WS 2019-20, WS 2020-21)
- Tutorials for the BA course Government and Politics of the Middle East (SOAS, University of London) (2013-14)
Ausgewählte Konferenzbeiträge
- Millennium Conference, 'Entanglements and Detachments in Global Politics' (online), 'Entangling power grids, producing new outsides: Transregional energy infrastructures as a lens for the study of authoritarian practices', October 23, 2020.
- German Political Science Association (DVPW) (online), 'Liberal Interventions: Transformation, reproduction or gradual decline?', October 2020.
- Universiteit Leiden (online workshop), 'Circuits of Production, Crisis and Revolt: The Environment and Capital in the Middle East and North Africa', 'Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy Projects in the Middle East and North Africa', 1-2 July 2020.
- Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2019: 'US and European 'Democracy Promotion': Interventions in Jordan: The Reinforcement of Authoritarian Rule and Acts of Resistance', New Orleans, 14-17 November 2019.
- Festschrift for Charles Tripp, hosted by the LSE Middle East Centre: 'Performing the Jordanian state: Intervention, aid dependence and eternal reform', London, 1 November 2019.
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO) 2019: 'US and European Interventions in the Name of Democracy: the Reinforcement of Authoritarianism', Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019.
- British International Studies Association (BISA) conference 2019: 'Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan', London, 12-14 June 2019.
- Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2018: ''The Importance of Getting the Rules Right': The contradictory effects of US and European Election Observation and Assistance in Jordan', San Antonio, 15-18 November 2018.
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO) 2018: 'Narratives of Normalization and the Promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian Transit Trade Route', Frankfurt am Main, 4-6 October 2018.
- World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2018: ‘Promoting democracy, reinforcing authoritarianism: Jordan and the unintended consequences of US and European democracy assistance', University of Sevilla, Sevilla, 16-20 July 2018.
- Colloque international 'Fairie de la politique (extérieure) sans en avoir l'air', Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence: 'Déformer le contexte et idéaliser l'universel: Comment les tentatives des États-Unis de promotion de la démocratie renforcent l'autoritarisme en Jordanie', Aix-en-Provence, 21 March 2018.
- 'Structure and Agency revisited: new modes of political mobilisation in the changing Middle East and North Africa'; Co-organisation of an international workshop funded by the American Political Science Association (APSA), American University of Cairo (AUC), Cairo, 10-14 December 2017.
- ALMA Research Series, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI) und Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: "'Break on through to the other side': Neoliberal democracy promotion in Jordan", Freiburg, 26 Oktober 2017.
- 'Mutants of Development? Special economic zones, economic corridors, and the changing geographies of capitalism', International Conference organised by University of Amsterdam and Universiteit Utrecht: "The creation of financial value and 'people' issues: the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ)", Amsterdam, 16 November 2016.
- 'Decentering International Interventions: Alternative Perspectives on Statehood and (In)Security in the Global South', International Workshop organised by SFB 700/Freie Universität Berlin: "Liberal democratic processes of identity formation and depoliticising 'the local': US and European efforts at parliamentary strengthening in Jordan", Berlin, 15-16 July 2016.
- International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2016: ‘Are you afraid of politics? US democracy promotion in Jordan’, Atlanta, 19 March 2016.
- International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2016: ‘Promoting an Israeli-Jordanian transit-trade route: geopolitics and attempts at de-politicisation and technocratisation’, Atlanta, 17 March 2016.
- 'Peut-on comparer les ´révolutions de couleur` et les ´printemps arabes`?' International Conference organised by Sorbonne-Paris-Cité University, SciencesPo and INALCO: “The Eastern European origins of US democracy promotion in Jordan: Liberal democratic identity formation and the reinforcement of authoritarian stability”, Paris, 25 September 2015.
- Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2014: ‘‘The special forces experience’ – an analysis of US security assistance to Jordan at the example of the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre’, Washington D.C., 22-25 November 2014.
- World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2014: ‘Are you afraid of politics? US democracy promotion in Jordan’, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 18-22 August 2014.
- British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) Annual Conference 2014: ‘The effects of growing Israeli-Jordanian economic cooperation – the promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian transit trade route’, University of Sussex, Brighton, 16-18 June 2014.
Außeruniversitäres Engagement
- Diverse Vorträge an lokalen Schulen zu aktueller Politik in der arabischen Welt
- Teilnahme an Lehrerfortbildungsseminaren im Studienhaus Wiesneck