Sie sind hier: Startseite Professuren Entwicklungstheorien und Entwicklungspolitik Mitarbeiter:innen Dr. Benjamin Schütze

Dr. Benjamin Schütze

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Funktion  Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Emmy Noether Nachwuchsgruppenleiter

Sprechstunde nur nach vorheriger Absprache über Lehrstuhl.Mehler@politik.uni-freiburg.de

Die Sprechstunde findet im ABI, Windausstr. 16 statt.

Adresse Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut e.V. für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung
Windausstr. 16
79110 Freiburg
Telefon +49 (0)761 888 78 23
E-Mail benjamin.schuetze@abi.uni-freiburg.de
Twitter https://twitter.com/benschuetze86


Akademischer Lebenslauf

ab 2022 Head of DFG-funded Emmy Noether Junior Research Group 'Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the MENA'
2021 - 2022
Junior Fellow, Young Academy for Sustainability Research, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of Freiburg
ab 2019 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Arnold Bergstraesser Institut (ABI)
2016 – 2021

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (postdoc), Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungstheorien und Entwicklungspolitik, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, Universität Freiburg

Research associate, Arnold Bergstraesser Institut (ABI)

2011 – 2016 PhD (without corrections), 'US and European democracy promotion in Jordan: The reinforcement of authoritarianism', supervised by Prof. Tripp, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK (Feldforschungsaufenthalte in Jordanien, Brüssel und Washington DC)
2009 – 2010 MA Near & Middle Eastern Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK
2006 – 2009 BA Arabistik und Politikwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig

click here for a complete CV in English

Weitere berufliche Tätigkeiten

2013 – 2014 SOAS, University of London, Department of Politics and International Studies, graduate teaching assistant
2010 – 2011 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit, Beirut / Libanon, Carlo-Schmid-fellow
2010 – 2011 Universität Leipzig, Orientalisches Institut, studentische Hilfskraft bei Prof. Gertel


  • Politics of intervention in the Middle East
  • US and European attempts at 'democracy promotion'
  • Jordanian politics
  • Transregional authoritarian entanglements
  • Economic liberalisation
  • US-Jordanian military collaboration
  • Political Economy of renewable energy projects


  • Unlikely Companions of Energy Transitions? Opportunities and Challenges of Triangular Cooperation between the EU and the GCC in the MENA, policy report, EuroMeSCo, EU (co-authored with Eckart Woertz) (2022)
  • 'The Socio-Economic Effects of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa', Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Regional Climate and Energy Project MENA (2020).
  • Politökonomische Kurzanalyse (PÖK) Jordanien (Neufassung 2018, Aktualisierung 2019), Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).

Veröffentlichungen, Drittmittel, Lehre & Konferenzbeiträge



Artikel (Auswahl)


Nicht akademische Veröffentlichungen


Drittmittel und Projekte

  • Potenzialfeld 'Comparative Area Studies and Transregional Studies'. (approximately 4,500 €)

  • EUCOR seed money: Making Infrastructure Global? Design and Governance of Infrastructural Expansion in the Global South (with Alke Jenss and Kenny Cupers) (35,000 €)

  • FRIAS early career researcher conference: Authoritarianism & Democracy: Transnational and Multiscalar Perspectives on Power and Spaces of Contestation (with Cita Wetterich, Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss and Fabricio Rodriguez) (10,000 €)

  • Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Freiburg: travel grants (2018 and 2019)

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): travel grant (2018) and doctoral scholarship (2014-2015)

  • American Political Science Association (APSA): collaborative grant for the organisation of an international workshop in Cairo (2017)

  • International Studies Association (ISA): travel grant (2016)

  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA): travel grant (2014)

  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES): doctoral scholarship (2011-2014)

  • German Academic Scholarship Foundation: Carlo-Schmid fellowship for an internship with the Beirut office of the Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Lebanon (2010-2011)



  • Supervision of BA and MA theses on topics related to International Relations, Middle Eastern politics, politics of intervention and postcolonial perspectives in IR
  • Erasmus+ / Dozierendenmobilität: Kurse in den MA-Programmen Euro-Méditerranée und Géostratégie, Défense et Sécurité International (SciencesPo, Aix-en-Provence) (November 2018)
  • Mitglied der Prüfungskommission im binationalen MA-Studiengang Angewandte Politikwissenschaften, (SciencesPo, Aix-en-Provence) (August 2018)
  • US and European Interventions in the Name of Democracy (Hauptseminar) (SS 2018, WS 2018-19, WS 2019-20)
  • Militarism and (In-)Security in the Middle East (Proseminar) (SS 2018)
  • Einführung in die Politik des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens / Politics of the Middle East (Proseminar) (SS 2016, WS 2016-17, SS 2017, SS 2019, SS 2020)
  • Grundlagen der Internationalen Politik (Proseminar) (SS 2019, SS 2020)
  • Übung zur Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (WS 2016-17, WS 2017-18, WS 2018-19, WS 2019-20, WS 2020-21)
  • Tutorials for the BA course Government and Politics of the Middle East (SOAS, University of London) (2013-14)


Ausgewählte Konferenzbeiträge

  • Millennium Conference, 'Entanglements and Detachments in Global Politics' (online), 'Entangling power grids, producing new outsides: Transregional energy infrastructures as a lens for the study of authoritarian practices', October 23, 2020.
  • German Political Science Association (DVPW) (online), 'Liberal Interventions: Transformation, reproduction or gradual decline?', October 2020.
  • Universiteit Leiden (online workshop), 'Circuits of Production, Crisis and Revolt: The Environment and Capital in the Middle East and North Africa', 'Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy Projects in the Middle East and North Africa', 1-2 July 2020.
  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2019: 'US and European 'Democracy Promotion': Interventions in Jordan: The Reinforcement of Authoritarian Rule and Acts of Resistance', New Orleans, 14-17 November 2019.
  • Festschrift for Charles Tripp, hosted by the LSE Middle East Centre: 'Performing the Jordanian state: Intervention, aid dependence and eternal reform', London, 1 November 2019.
  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO) 2019: 'US and European Interventions in the Name of Democracy: the Reinforcement of Authoritarianism', Hamburg, 3-5 October 2019.
  • British International Studies Association (BISA) conference 2019: 'Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan', London, 12-14 June 2019.
  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2018: ''The Importance of Getting the Rules Right': The contradictory effects of US and European Election Observation and Assistance in Jordan', San Antonio, 15-18 November 2018.
  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO) 2018: 'Narratives of Normalization and the Promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian Transit Trade Route', Frankfurt am Main, 4-6 October 2018.
  • World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2018: ‘Promoting democracy, reinforcing authoritarianism: Jordan and the unintended consequences of US and European democracy assistance', University of Sevilla, Sevilla, 16-20 July 2018.
  • Colloque international 'Fairie de la politique (extérieure) sans en avoir l'air', Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence: 'Déformer le contexte et idéaliser l'universel: Comment les tentatives des États-Unis de promotion de la démocratie renforcent l'autoritarisme en Jordanie', Aix-en-Provence, 21 March 2018.
  • 'Structure and Agency revisited: new modes of political mobilisation in the changing Middle East and North Africa'; Co-organisation of an international workshop funded by the American Political Science Association (APSA), American University of Cairo (AUC), Cairo, 10-14 December 2017.
  • ALMA Research Series, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI) und Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: "'Break on through to the other side': Neoliberal democracy promotion in Jordan", Freiburg, 26 Oktober 2017.
  • 'Mutants of Development? Special economic zones, economic corridors, and the changing geographies of capitalism', International Conference organised by University of Amsterdam and Universiteit Utrecht: "The creation of financial value and 'people' issues: the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ)", Amsterdam, 16 November 2016.
  • 'Decentering International Interventions: Alternative Perspectives on Statehood and (In)Security in the Global South', International Workshop organised by SFB 700/Freie Universität Berlin: "Liberal democratic processes of identity formation and depoliticising 'the local': US and European efforts at parliamentary strengthening in Jordan", Berlin, 15-16 July 2016.
  • International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2016: ‘Are you afraid of politics? US democracy promotion in Jordan’, Atlanta, 19 March 2016.
  • International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2016: ‘Promoting an Israeli-Jordanian transit-trade route: geopolitics and attempts at de-politicisation and technocratisation’, Atlanta, 17 March 2016.
  • 'Peut-on comparer les ´révolutions de couleur` et les ´printemps arabes`?' International Conference organised by Sorbonne-Paris-Cité University, SciencesPo and INALCO: “The Eastern European origins of US democracy promotion in Jordan: Liberal democratic identity formation and the reinforcement of authoritarian stability”, Paris, 25 September 2015.
  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference 2014: ‘‘The special forces experience’ – an analysis of US security assistance to Jordan at the example of the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre’, Washington D.C., 22-25 November 2014.
  • World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2014: ‘Are you afraid of politics? US democracy promotion in Jordan’, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 18-22 August 2014.
  • British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) Annual Conference 2014: ‘The effects of growing Israeli-Jordanian economic cooperation – the promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian transit trade route’, University of Sussex, Brighton, 16-18 June 2014.


Außeruniversitäres Engagement

  • Diverse Vorträge an lokalen Schulen zu aktueller Politik in der arabischen Welt
  • Teilnahme an Lehrerfortbildungsseminaren im Studienhaus Wiesneck


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge