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Cita Wetterich




Research Associate

Coordinator of the Masters programmes, poly BA  & Teaching degree


During the WiSe 2019/20 weekly appointments Thursdays 9-11 pm - Please register via list (Room 4312) or call Susanne Schlatter to book an appointment sekretariat.riescher@politik.uni-freiburg.de, Tel.: 0761/203-3475)


Rempartstr. 15, 79085 Freiburg

Room 4312
Phone number  +49 - (0)761 - 203-3467
E-Mail cita.wetterich@politik.uni-freiburg.de




Acadamic Career

06/2018 - today

Research Associate and Coordination of the Master Programmes , poly BA  & Teaching degree at the University of Freiburg

02/2017 - today PhD research fellow: Political Science at the Univesity of  Freiburg and Gender Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland
09/2014 - 02/2017 Master of Arts, International Security, University of Warwick, UK
09/2014 - 11/2016

Master of Arts, International Administration and Conflict Management, University of Kostanz.

10/2010 - 03/2014 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Public Administration, University of Konstanz.

click here for English CV

Research Areas

  • Migration and Displacement Studies
  • Gender Studies, Feminist Research
  • East Africa, Middle East & Central Mediterranean Sea
  • Critical Security Studies


  • Working Paper: Wetterich, Cita (2018) A Critical Investigation of Gendered Security Perspectives of the refugee "crisis" in the British and Germand Media.  ABI Working Paper Series, No 9, March 2018.
  • Book review: Wetterich, Cita (2018). Review: Isabelle Ihring, 2015: Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung im Kontext von Migration. Gender: Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 10(1), 176-178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3224/gender.v10i1.14

Conference contribution

  • Panel Speaker Gendered Security Perspectives of the refugee "crisis" - International Symposium "Media and Migration" at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18. -19.06.2019, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Panel Speaker Feminist Security Studies and the Negotitation of Masculinity and Manhood - 10th European Feminist Research Confernce, 12 -15.09.2018, Göttingen, Germany
  • Paneal Speaker Gendered Security Perspectives of the refugee "crisis" - Second Confernce of  "Netzwerk Fluchtforschung", 04. -04.10.2018, Eichstätt, Germany
  • Paneal Speaker Dimensions of gendered violence in forced migration reserach - Confernce of the society "Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung SGGF" "Violent Times, Rising Protestes. Strukturen, Erfahrungen und Gefühle", 12.- 13.09.2019, Bern, Switzerland


  • SoSe19: Seminar: Criticial perspectives on Migration
  • WiSe18/19: Seminar: Exercise course for the Lecture of Methods and Statistics
  • FS18: Seminar: Violence: Forms, Actors and Analyses using the example of gender (with Annika Spahn, University of Basel)
  • Sose18: Seminar: Understanding forced displacement (with Dr. Franzisca Zanker, University of Freiburg)


  • Panel discussion: „Deutsche Afrikabilder und afrikanische (Migrations-)Realitäten“ auf der Tagung „Flucht und Migration aus Afrika - Ursachen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven“, 30. – 31. January 2018, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
  • Talk: „Flucht und Asyl aus Afrika –  eine Herausforderung für Deutschland: Fluchtursachen und Zusammenarbeit mit den Herkunftsländern“, 24. April 2018, Politisches Bildungsforum Baden-Württemberg, Regionalbüro Südbaden, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Media Contributions

  • Interview Interview about the project "Violence against male refugees", uniFM, 26.07.2019, 16.40 Uhr
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