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Carmen Wunderlich has published an article: „Normcluster und Normkomplexität. Konzept, Mehrwert und Herausforderungen einer mehrdimensionalen Perspektive auf Normen“ in the Journal of International Relations. doi.org/10.5771/0946-7165-2023-2


Prof Destradi has given an interview on her new book: "Reluctance in World Politics: Why States Fail to ACT Decisively". Available on Spotify at: open.spotify.com/episode/2lU0snIfQEDBlQzIbRvD0A


New publication from Prof. Destradi:

Destradi, Sandra (2023). Populism and Status-Seeking in World Politics, in International Studies Review, online first: doi.org/10.1093/isr/viad035.


New publications from Julia Gurol:

Klenk, Elias & Gurol, Julia (2023). 'The role of narratives for gaining domestic political legitimacy: China's image management during COVID-19'. Journal of Chinese Political Science, online first: doi.org/10.1007/s11366-023-09865-z.


The monograph ‘Reluctance in World Politics: Why States Fail to Act Decisively’ by Sandra Destradi will be published at the end of July 2023 bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/reluctance-in-world-politics.

reluctance in world politics: why states fail to act decisively


From 6-7 July 2023, the workshop: "How to Study the International Effects of Populism" by Prof. Destradi took place as part of her Master's seminar. Here are a few impressions.

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28. September 2022: Prof. Destradi gives the talk „Theorizing Populist Foreign Policy“ am Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florenz


New Publications from Sandra Destradi:

Destradi, Sandra und Johannes Plagemann (2022). Ideology and Indian Foreign Policy, in Jonathan Leader Maynard und Mark L. Haas (Hrsg), The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations. Routledge, 299-312. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003026754-21/ideology-indian-foreign-policy-sandra-destradi-johannes-plagemann

Destradi, Sandra (2022). Muno, Wolfgang, und Christian Pfeiffer (Hrsg.) (2021): Populismus an der Macht. Strategien und Folgen populistischen Regierungshandelns (Rezension), Politische Vierteljahresschrift, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11615-022-00428-0.


1. September 2022: Prof. Destradi gives the talk „Der globale Aufstieg des Populismus: Auswirkungen auf internationale Kooperation“ an der Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Hamburg (online).


Neue Publikationen von Julia Gurol:

Gurol, Julia (2022). Autoritäre Modelle der Internetregulierung: Chinas Vorstoß in den digitalen Raum und Implikationen für liberale Demokratien. In: Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit im 21. Jahrhundert - zur Macht des Digitalen. Hrsg: Spiecker, Indra et al., NOMOS. 

Gurol, Julia and Schütze, Benjamin (2022). Infrastructuring authoritarian power: Arab-Chinese transregional collaboration beyondthe state. In: International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 231-249. 

Gurol, Julia, Zumbrägel, Tobias and Demmelhuber, Thomas (2022). Elite networks andthe transregional dimension of authoritarianism: Sino-Emirati relations in times of a global pandemic. In: Journal of Contemporary China, online first. 


6.-9 Juli 2022: Prof. Destradi participates in the EWIS workshops in Thessaloniki and presents the paper "The Populist Centralization and Personalization of Foreign Policy De-cision-Making: Paths and Patterns".


New Publications from Tim Zajontz:

Carmody, Pádraig, Zajontz, Tim and Reboredo, Ricardo 2022. ‘From “debt diplomacy” to donorship? China’s changing role in global development’, Global Political Economy, online first. https://doi.org/10.1332/UZHW7185

Zajontz, Tim 2022. ‘Seamless imaginaries, territorialized realities: the regional politics of corridor governance in Southern Africa’, Territory, Politics, Governance, online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2022.2092205


New Publications from Tim Zajontz:

Zajontz, Tim (2022). ‘”Win-win” contested: negotiating the privatisation of Africa’s Freedom Railway with the “Chinese of today”‘, Journal of Modern African Studies. Further Information can be found here.

Chiyemura, Frangton, Gambino, Elisa and Tim Zajontz (2022). ‘Infrastructure and the politics of African state agency: shaping the Belt and Road Initiative in East Africa’, Chinese Political Science Review, Further Information can be found here

Zajontz, Tim (2022). ‘Debt, distress, dispossession: towards a critical political economy of Africa’s financial dependency’, Review of African Political Economy. Further Information can be found here.  

Carmody, Pádraig, Taylor, Ian and Zajontz, Tim (2022). ‘China’s Spatial Fix and “Debt Diplomacy” in Africa: Constraining Belt or Road to Economic Transformation?’, Canadian Journal of African Studies. Further Information can be found here


14. April 2022: Prof. Destradi gives the talk „Reluctance in World Politics“ an der Shiv Nadar University, Indien (online).


From March 1 onwards, Prof. Dr. Destradi will be a visiting fellow at the European University Institute Florence. 


Dr. Julia Gurol published her first book, "The EU-China Security Paradox" with Bristol University Press on January 6, 2022. Congratulations!


New publication: "Beyond the Duality of Normativity and Pragmatism: A Practice-Based Reading of European and Chinese Foreign Policy" von Dr. Julia Gurol & Dr. Andreas Grimmel (Europakolleg Hamburg). Further information can be found here.


A Careers Evening with the topic r "The EU as an employe" will be held at the Chair for International Relations. We are looking forward to your participation! For further information click here.


The Chair warmly welcomes Dr. Tim Zajontz as a new research associate to the chair.


Together with David Cadier and Johannes Plagemann, Sandra Destradi has published a new article on “Populism and Foreign Policy: a Research Agenda” with Comparative European Politics. Link to the article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41295-021-00255-4.


New project: On October 1, a new DFG-funded project on “Populist Discourses on COVID-19 in the Global South” starts at the Chair, led by Sandra Destradi and coordinated by Julia Gurol. Together with project partners from the Global South, we analyse populist narratives on the global pandemic and its reproduction and contestation in five countries in the Global South (Brazil, Mexico, Israel, India and Turkey).


18 September 2021: Julia Durol participates in the DAVO congress in Osnabrück and presents a paper on the reproduction and contestation of narratives of supremacy in Sino-Gulf relations as well as the paper “The COVID-19 Temptation? Sino–Gulf Relations and Autocratic Linkages in Times of a Global Pandemic” (together with Thomas Demmelhuber and Tobias Zumbrägel)


online). She will serve as a discussant on the panel ‘Populism and Regionalism’.


4 September 2021: Prof. Destradi will take part in the 4th Annual Conference of the European Initiative for Security Studies (EISS). She will serve as chair and discussant of the panel ‘Thinking European Security through India’.


Julia Gurol was elected to the EPICUR Advisory Board of the University of Freiburg as an early career advisor in July 2021


Jürgen Rüland has published the article "Covid-19 and ASEAN: Strenghening State-centrism, Eroding Inclusiveness, Testing Cohesion" in "The International Spectator" verfasst. The article is now online.


6-9 April 2021: Prof. Destradi takes part in the International Studies Association Annual Convention and presents two papers on populism and international politics. She also serves as a chair on a panel on South Asia.


From 1 April 2021, Prof. Destradi will serve as a Dean of Studies, Faculty of Humanities.


15 March 2021: Prof. Destradi serves as a discussant of Angelos Chryssogelos’ presentation at the seminar „Democracy, Populism and Changes in Foreign Policy“ at the VU Centre for Interdisciplinary European Studies (VICES), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (online).


5 March 2021: Prof. Destradi participates in the workshop „Study of Populism in IR” at the Univesity of Warwick (online) and presents the paper “Populism and the Politicization of Foreign Policy” (ao-authors Johannes Plagemann und Hakkı Taş)


The Chair of International Relations is looking for at research fellow for the DFG-funded project ‘Populism and Foreign Policy’. Further information can be found here: https://uni-freiburg.de/university/jobs/00001484/


3 February 2021: Prof. Destradi and Egecan Hüsemoglu give an invited speech on the topic “Populism and Foreign Policy” at the Central University of Kashmir, India. 


1 February 2021: Prof. Destradi gives a lecture on populism and the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in India (in German) at the Colloquium Politicum: https://www.studiumgenerale.uni-freiburg.de/cp/reihen


Starting 1 February the Chair for International Relations is looking for a research assistant for the project 'Global autocratic collaboration in times of COVID-19: Game changer or business as usual in Sino-Gulf relations'. Further Inforation can be found here.


The VW-Foundation will fund the project Projekt „Global autocratic collaboration in times of COVID-19: Game changer or business as usual in Sino-Gulf relations” (Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber, Julia Gurol, Tobias Zumbrägel). The project examines the role of foreign policy as a tool of authoritarian power consolidation and the (trans-)regional diffusion of autocratic practices in the context of COVID-19. Further information can be found here.


10 December 2020: Prof. Sandra Destradi participates in the Roundtable 'The Indo-Pacific as a Strategic Region'. This Roundtable is organized as part of the conference 'The regional stakes of India's foreign policy', which is hosted by the Centre de recherche internationales de Sciences Po (CERI), the Institute de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire (IRSEM) in Paris and the German Insitute for Global Area Studies (GIGA):


2 December 2020: Prof. Destradi gives an invited talk on 'Populism and Foreign Policy' at the School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe) of the University College Dublin.


On Monday, 16 November, an interdisciplinary field research colloquium will start in the context of the emerging field Comparative Area Studies and Transregional Studies, guided by Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi and Julia Gurol. It is still possible to register. Further information can be found here.


At the DVPW IB-Sektionstagung, which is held as a virtual event between 7th and 9th October 2020, Prof. Destradi present a paper on „Populism and the Politicization of Foreign Policy” (together with Johannes Plagemann und Hakki Taş from GIGA Institute). Angela Geck talks about „Global value chains, fair competition and development” and Julia Gurol presents a paper on „Normativity and Pragmatism in Practice: EU Foreign Policy and China’s Belt and Road Initiative“ (together with Andreas Grimmel from Hamburg University) and a paper on „Perspectives on Field Research in a Security-sensitive Setting – Insights from China and the Mediterranean by Female Researchers” (together with Cita Wetterich).


We are very happy to welcome Julia Gurol as a new employee at the chair for international relations starting Octobre 1st. She will enhance the team as executive assistant.


Hans-Böckler-Foundation's Webinar series: Postcolonial Perspectives on Protest and Reform in the Global Political Economy

Starting 15 September until 18 September the Webinar series: Postcolonial Perspectives on Protest and Reform in the Global Political Economy takes place.

Angela Geck is scheduled on Wednesday 16 September to talk about 'Colonial continuities in the world trade regime and the failed development round of the WTO'

Organizer is the Junior Research Group 17 from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.


Jürgen Rüland published the articlel 'Democratic backsliding, regional governance and foreign policymaking' in Southeast Asia: ASEAN, Indonesia and the Philippines. Democratization veröffentlicht. The article is now available online. 


 At the ECPR General Conference, which was held as a virtual event between August 24th and 28th 2020, Angela Geck together with Mila Mikalay from the University College Freiburg presented a paper on "Expert bodies' styles in treating monitoring and state compliance".


Now available online first and open access: Chanchal Kumar Sharma, Sandra Destradi, and Johannes Plagemann, Partisan Federalism and Subnational Governments’ International Engagements: Insights from India, in: Publius: The Journal of Federalism


Anna Fünfgeld's article "The Dream of ASEAN Connectivity: Imagining Infrastructure in Southeast Asia" (2019) is now available as an open access publication and via the Pacific Affairs website.


As of April 28, 2020, Prof. Dr. Destradi's weekly office hours will be held online every Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Please register in advance by contacting the secretariat. You will be assigned a time slot of 10 minutes. The virtual meeting room can be accessed with the following password: 7r5wCtyb*


Prof. Dr. Destradi contributed a chapter on "Internationales Krisenmanagement" with co-author Christian von Soest to "Handbuch Krisenforschung" (2020). 


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As of April 1, 2020, Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi serves as Chair of International Relations,
succeeding Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rüland.








      Photo: © Ulrike Schröder 





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