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Edited volumes in English

Plagemann, Johannes; Destradi, Sandra; Narlikar, Amrita (eds.) (2020): India Risinig: Ideas, Interests and Institutions in Foreign Policy. New Delhi: Oxforc University Press.

The book examines India's approach to global governance and consequent policy-making in line with its own image and the world's image of India as a rising and global power. It looks at Prime Ministerial years of Manmohan Singh and Narendra Modi while examining and analyzing their policies and governance. It questions the important issue: India's global policies in each fields shaped by institutions, driven by interests or influenced by ideational factors?

Brummer, K., Harnisch, S., Oppermann, K., Panke, D. (Eds.) (2019): Foreign Policy as Public Policy? Promises and Pitfalls. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

This book examines how foreign policy analysis can be enriched by 'domestic realm' public policy approaches, concepts and theories. Starting out from the observation that foreign policy has in many ways become more similar to (and intertwined with) 'domestic' public policies, it bridges the divide that still persists between the two fields. The book includes chapters by leading experts in their fields on arguably the most important public policy approaches, including, for example, multiple streams, advocacy coalition, punctuated equilibrium and veto player approaches. The chapters explore how the approaches can be adapted and transferred to the study of foreign policy and point to the challenges this entails. By establishing a critical dialogue between approaches in public policy and research on foreign policy, the main contribution of the book is to broaden the available theoretical 'toolkit' in foreign policy analysis.

brummer, harnisch, oppermann, panke 2019 foreign policy as public policy mup



Mehler, Andreas, Abbink, Jon, Elischer, Sebastian and Henning Melber Hartzell, Caroline A. (Eds.) (2017): Africa Yearbook Volume 13. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2016, Leiden: Brill.

The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.



Crawford, Gordon, Kruckenberg, Lena J., Loubere, Nicholas and Rosemary Morgan (eds.) (2017): Understanding Global Development Research: Fieldwork Issues, Experiences and Reflections, London: Sage Publications.

Following an inter-disciplinary and inter-generational approach, Understanding Global Development brings into dialogue reflections on fieldwork experiences by leading scholars along with accounts from early career researchers. Contributions are organised around six key issues: Meaningful participation in fieldwork, Working in dangerous environments, Gendered experiences of fieldwork, Researching elites, Conducting fieldwork with marginalised people, Fieldwork in development practice.

The experience-led discussion of each of the topics conveys a sense of what it actually feels like to be out in the field and provides readers with useful insights and practical advice. A relational framework highlights issues relating to power, identity and ethics in development fieldwork, and encourages reflection on how researcher engagement with the field shapes our understanding of global development.


Mehler, Andreas, Abbink, Jon, Elischer, Sebastian and Henning Melber (eds.) (2016): Africa Yearbook Volume 12. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2015, Leiden: Brill.

The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.


Krieger, Tim, Neumärker, Bernhard and Panke, Diana (Eds.) (2016): Europe's Crisis. The Conflict-Theoretical Perspective, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

It is striking that since 2008 the European economic, employment and financial crisis has been repeatedly in the limelight of German and European media. Up to date the topic has not lost any of its importance. This is not the least due to the fact that the crisis has led to several conflicts in the political, economic and societal sphere.

This volume offers an interdisciplinary approach on the conflicts related to the European crisis. The economic, political scientist, sociological and legal perspectives provide a novel analysis on the emergence of the crisis and its dynamics on member state and European level. In addition, the contributions provide insights into the various implications of the crisis for the future of European integration and shed light on potential remedies. The book draws on a broad variety of economic, social scientist and legal methods, which allows for a comprehensive analysis. It will be of great value to scientists, practitioners and the interested public. With contributions by:
Christian Joerges, Robert Kappius, Martha Kontodaimon, Tim Krieger, Karsten Mause, Bernhard Neumärker, Francesco Nicoli, Stefan Oeter, Dimitris Papanikolopoulos, Diana Panke, Jochen Roose, Bernd Schlipphak, Franziska Scholl, Moritz Sommer, Maximilian Stephan, Rafal Ulatowski.


krieger, neumärker, panke 2016 europe’s crisis. the conflict-theoretical perspective. nomos

Mehler, Andreas, Hofmeier, Rolf, Elischer, Sebastian and Henning Melber (eds.) (2015): Africa Yearbook Volume 11. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014, Leiden: Brill.

The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.


Mehler, Andreas (Ed.): Africa Spectrum, published by GIGA Hamburg.

Africa Spectrum was first published in 1966 by the GIGA Institute of African Affairs (IAA) in Hamburg. It is an inter-disciplinary journal dedicated to scientific exchange between the continents. The journal focuses on socially relevant issues related to political, economic and socio-cultural problems and events in Africa as well as on Africa's role within the international system.

For five decades Africa Spectrum has regularly provided – three times per year – profound analyses of current issues in political, social and economic life; culture; and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa Spectrum is the leading German academic journal exclusively devoted to this continent and is part of the GIGA Journal Family.



Huotari, Mikko,  Rüland, Jürgen and Schlehe, Judith  (Eds.) (2014): Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

This volume confronts the idea of universal science from the perspective of area studies, offering fruitful debate between Southeast Asian Studies and variegated disciplinary vantage points. It provides a platform for dialogue and constructive friction between divergent approaches to knowledge generation, while taking into consideration the area-specific contexts of research practice and bringing to attention cross-cutting methodological issues. The contributors investigate issues such as the tension between disciplinary mainstreaming and suggestions for decentering, diversifying and decolonizing methodology; the relevance and practice of different forms of contextsensitivity in research; contrasts and comparisons suitable to the ambitions of area studies. The research approaches covered in this volume range from quantitative, to qualitative and mixed-methods research, from econometrics to participation and collaboration, and from text analysis to field research. Working in a variety of disciplines both within and outside of Southeast Asian Studies, the contributors addresse the burning question of how to ground research practice in area-specific, yet globally entangled contexts such as 'Global Southeast Asia'.

"In sum, the volume is a positive collective enterprise and calls scholars to bridge methodological and epistemological divides and build theoretical and empirical knowledge in order to keep the studies and expertise of Southeast Asia relevant and thriving in Social Science research."

— Kikue Hamayotsu, Associate Professor of Political Science at Northern Illinois University, Contemporary Southeast Asia

Carrapatoso, Astrid and Kürzinger, Edith (eds.) (2014): Climate resilient development. Participatory solutions from developing countries, London: Routledge.

The concept of resilience currently infuses policy debates and public discourse, and is promoted as a normative concept in climate policy making by governments, non-governmental organizations, and think-tanks.

This book critically discusses climate-resilient development in the context of current deficiencies of multilateral climate management strategies and processes. It analyses innovative climate policy options at national, (inter-)regional, and local levels from a mainly Southern perspective, thus contributing to the topical debate on alternative climate governance and resilient development models. Case studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America give a ground-level view of how ideas from resilience could be used to inform and guide more radical development and particularly how these ideas might help to rethink the notion of 'progress' in the light of environmental, social, economic, and cultural changes at multiple scales, from local to global. It integrates theory and practice with the aim of providing practical solutions to improve, complement, or, where necessary, reasonably bypass the UNFCCC process through a bottom-up approach which can effectively tap unused climate-resilient development potentials at the local, national, and regional levels.


Jürgen Rüland, Maria-Gabriela Manea and Hans Born (eds.) (2013): The Politics of Military Reform. Experiences from Indonesia and Nigeria.

This volume seeks to explain why democratization and military reforms stagnate in newly democratizing countries. The contributions blend historical, ideational, cultural and structural explanatory factors to analyze the trajectories of military reform in Indonesia and Nigeria, two major regional powers that share many structural commonalities. In the tradition of the literature on security sector reform (SSR), the book not only scrutinizes executive initiatives toward military reform is stagnating in both countries, societal forcces ought to be taken into aacount more as major driving forces in explainig military reform. Several chapters study how legislatures, non-governmental organizations and the cilivan defence epistemic community contribute to the transformation of military institutions. The last part of the book tackles another aspect rarely studies in the literature on military reform, namely, the role of militas in military reform.

rueland the politics of military reform

Jürgen Rüland, Gunter Schubert, Günter Schucher and Cornelia Storz (eds.) (2008): Asian-European Relations. Building Blocks for global governance? New York: Routledge.

Interregional Relations are a novel field within international relations which have increasingly been attracting scholarly interest. Thus, over the last five years or so, Interregional Relations has firmly established itself as a research field, initially within political science, and gradually in economics. This volume assesses interregional relations between Asia and Europe. It contributes to the most recent developments in research by providing impressively rich studies to test existing theoretical frameworks. Featured in this volume are conceptual contributions, in particular, theoretically inspired studies which conduct in-depth investigation of a broad variety of interregional interactions, such as the political management of globalisation through interregional co-operation, regional security, human rights and finally, the dialogue between Asian and European NGOs. The economic contributions likewise undertake an extensive assessment of areas such as interregional trade and investment flows, the Asian Development Bank and interregional mergers. Applying established theories to concrete phenomena, Asian-European Relations provides a comprehensive understanding of inter-regionalism and how co-operation between Asia and Europe should be fashioned in the new millennium. The integration of political and economic research in this book will be of interest to graduates and researchers in the fields of international relations, international economics, regional integration, and interregionalism.


Jürgen Rüland, Theodor Hanf and Eva Manske (eds.) (2006): U.S. Foreign Policy Toward the Third World - A Post-Cold War Assessment, New York: M.E. Sharpe.

The contributors to this work examine the evolution of U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World and the new policy challenges facing developing nations in the post-Cold War era. The book incorporates the key assessment standards of U.S. foreign policies directed toward critical regions, including Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. Through this region-by-region analysis, readers will get the information and insight needed to fully understand U.S. policy objectives -- especially with regard to economic and security issues in the wake of 9/11 -- vis a vis the developing world. The book outlines both successes and failures of Washington as it seeks to deal with the Third World in a new era of terrorism, trade, and democratic enlargement. It also considers whether anti-Western sentiment in Third World regions is a direct result of U.S. foreign policies since the end of the Cold War.


Stephen Hoadley and Jürgen Rüland (eds.) (2006): Asian Security Reassessed, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asean Studies.

This book traces changes in the concept of security in Asia from realist to cooperative, comprehensive, and human security approaches, and assesses a number of policy alternatives to management of both old and new security threats. It surveys not only orthodox security threats such as tensions between regional powers or armed ethnic antagonists but also new sources of anxiety such as resource scarcity, economic instability, irregular migration, community fragmentation, and international terrorism. Security policies of major powers such as China, Japan, and the United States, and the moderating roles of regional organizations such as ASEAN, ARF, SCO, and KEDO are evaluated in historical and contemporary perspectives. Contributors proffer policy-relevant insights where appropriate. The book concludes that traditional security approaches remain valid but need to be adapted to the new challenges, and offers suggestions for incorporating fresh Asian security perceptions into the agendas of policy-makers, analysts, and scholars.


Heiner Hänggi, Rolf Roloff and Jürgen Rüland (eds.) (2006): Interregionalism and International Relations, London: Routledge.

Over the last two decades, globalization and regionalization have led to the emergence of an increasingly differentiated multi-level system of global governance. One characteristic of this system is the growing level of interaction among regional organizations and groups of states, and the interregional relations constitute a novelty in international relations, one that varies greatly in form, in function and in level of institutionalization. Interregionalism and International Relations is the first attempt to summarize the state of the art in this rich new field of international relations. It provides a comprehensive, theory-guided introduction into the numerous facets of this new phenomenon. Following a theoretical explanation d a typology interregional relations, subsequent parts of the book examine key interactions between major world regions such as Asia and America, Asia and Europe. America and Europe, and Africa and Europe. This book also presents comparative analyses and borderline cases that transcend the standard manifestations of interregionalism. With high-level contributors noted for their expertise in international relations and interregionalism, this volume will appeal to scholars of political science, diplomats and those with an interest in global and regional diplomacy.


Jürgen Rüland, Eva Manske and Werner Draguhn (eds.) (2002): Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The First Decade, London: Routledge Curzon.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was founded in 1989. Since then the forum has developed into a major player in tri-partite relations between North America, East Asia and Europe. The Seattle and Bogor Summits were landmark events suggesting to many observers a gravitational shift in the world economy and world politics. Yet the Asian financial crisis had a sobering effect on high-flying expectations as APEC contributed little to crisis management. In the light of such contradictory performance, distinguished scholars here examine APEC's achievements and failures, its role and functions in international relations, its linkages with regional organisations and the interplay between the forum and national interests of major factors in the region.



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